Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Been Swell

Edge arrived in Columbia last Spring with a short list of things to accomplish before the day came when he'd be on his way again and would leave ole South Carolina.

Move into new apartment with screen door.  Check.

Overcome fear of the ubiquitous giant white shark.  Check.

Start drinking a beer in March...

Help baby elephant reclaim its dignity.  Check.

Single-handedly lower the price of gas for the Leprochauns.  Check.

Stick it to the Governor.  Check.

Finally finish beer six months later with pals from work.  Total Check!

Well, that's everything on the list.  Having conquered Columbia, Edge has now surrendered his screen door in favor of a sweet back porch in the mountains of North Carolina.  The only item on his list for the move, was not to forget Miss Kitty.

So long 100 degree Columbia blacktop!  ¡Adios la ciudad de mucho calor!

It's been swell.


  1. J.E.!! Welcome to Asheville bud. This is Geoff Bergmark (spoke with you at the Charlotte race where my bike blew up and at 12 hrs of Tsali), said I would give you my contact information when you got into town.

    Email me at; I live in Hendersonville but work in South Asheville.

    Not riding anything this week, it is raining, and I will be doing the stage race with you. Looking forward to it!!

