Thursday, February 25, 2010

12 Hours of Santos

Jeremy Epar and Bill Landizlotta take first place in the 12 hour men's duo.

Wait, WHO??

Well, apparently the lady on the phone taking care of race registration had giblets in her ears, but at least she got their first names right.  Anyway, despite the case of wrong identity, the Team Caffeine boys cleaned up in nearly every category they entered down in Florida last weekend. 

 Making their presence known early on, the crew shook out their winter legs and got it done.
   (For fear of the copyright police, I can't show you what was happening between Bill's elbows and knees)
 Raise your hand if you love pain!  And beer!

Not only did Caffeine take the duo men, but David Hall took first in the 12 hour single speed, and Andy Christman topped it off with first in the 12 hour sport.  Nice job guys, on this most auspicious start to the 2010 season!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Tires

We welcome the newest addition to the Edge clan!

A fuzzy little quadruped, called---


He'll be on Edge's heels at all the races this season...see ya then! 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Sucks

"Ah yes hello, God?  Yeah hey, this is Jeremy.  Yeah.  Hey listen, I was wondering if you could cut the crap with the weather.  Yeah, I know, it's just that---well yeah, exactly, it's freezing, which is fine, but the actual snow and shitty road conditions are getting on everyone's ner---what's that?  Oh, well yes, I guess it is kinda pretty, it's just that---what?  Yeah, the cows are handling it ok, but the thing is, they don't ride bikes, so it doesn't really matter what they hm...oh, yeah?  Okay, well I never really thought of it that way, it's just that the race season starts soon, and training has been pretty tough----no, I know, being stoned  would be a lot tougher---right, and at least we have wheels----yeah, yeah, ok got it.  Well nevermind then I guess.  Yeah.  Ok sure, talk to you later."

God says maybe later.