Second Place - 12 Hour Solo
Well, the forecast was for RAIN, and lots of it. How befitting to complete the race season by enveloping it in a monsoon sandwich, finishing up in the mud like we did earlier in the season at Ft. Yargo. And though it did POUR during the wee hours of the morning, the race itself was mercifully "dry" with a lower incidence of slick casualties than there could've been (mercy for some, but not me, as Edge later witnessed my spectacular wipeout on the two-way bridge... heh...).
The racers lined up early on, with the omnipresent Terrapin crew stashed at the front.
Tim began the countdown,
and they were off.
The Terrapin boys maintained their lead while chasing each other down the short road added to the beginning of the course, which kindly postponed the usual, instant uphill heart attack by a few extra minutes.
Edge came through the pits 41 minutes later, third only to fellow Terrapins Shey and Jafer (both six hour).
Maintaining an overall pace of just over 6 minutes per mile, he came and went all morning...
...until his sixth lap, when he came in with a busted bottom bracket and a failing left knee cap.
But since his rabbit had just scooted out of the transition area, he decided to go out for at least one more lap and see how he felt.
Welllll, even with a broken bike and practically no ligaments left in his poor geriatric knees, Edge still easily caught the rabbit, did an easy spin with her for a couple miles, then casually beat her back to the finish...all the while she struggled to reclaim the lungs she left somewhere back at the bridge (that stupid, ridiculously slippery, evil stinking bridge).
It was a difficult decision to make, but after seven laps and a gentleman's agreement with third place, Edge called it quits. No point in ruining his body before the four day stage race coming up this weekend. It just made more sense to take it easy and double fist some beer.
Time passed, it got dark, and we waited for the awards.
Turns out he didn't need his kneecaps after all, because Edge still secured second place for the race,
and second in the Dirty Spokes series overall. We enjoyed meeting and hanging out with Tony Cervati waiting for the race to end, so it was extra nice to share the podium with him, too. Wicked nice guy!
At the end of the day, Unicoi is a tough course. It's only eight miles, but it feels like 15 of it is uphill climbing. How can the ENTIRE stinking course be uphill climbing?? But despite the hills and hazards (heh-bridge), it was a great race, and it's hard to believe the season is nearly over. Once again, thanks to Hostel Cyclist for their support, and congratulations to them for their wins, also taking second in the race and second in the series in the 12 Hour Four Man Co-ed.
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